Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Little galloping horse...

Yesterday marked our 18th week of our pregnancy. We saw the doctor for another checkup and we got to hear the baby's heartbeat. It sounds just like a little galloping horse in there. :-) We are still feeling good. The "baby bump" is remotely there. David swears that he can totally see a little bump...I on the other hand...just think it looks like chub. :-) I'm excited to get out of this stage of "chubbiness" and into the blatantly obvious pregnant stage. :-) Other than that, things are still good on the home front over here. Next Tuesday we have another appointment and if the baby cooperates with mommy and daddy....we will be able to find out if she is definitely a girl or if we should start thinking of boy names. :-) No movement from the baby here either...although I am desperate to feel it...nothing yet. But I will let you know when there is anything!

We will keep you updated and let you guys know as soon as we know the definite gender of our little peanut! :-)

For now, since we all know a post is better with a picture, I'll leave you with a picture from our anniversary cruise and I'll also leave you with a part of our wedding video. Enjoy!

Until next time,

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