Thursday, February 18, 2010

Valentines Day :-)

Valentines day this year was filled with lots of love :-) The hubs and I started our day with brunch at Porter Valley country club, then headed to see the movie Valentines Day at the arclight (my choice of movie of course :-) ), and then headed back home. At home I was treated to an evening of just sitting on the couch while my amazing husband cooked me a very romantic candlelight dinner. I must say it was DELICIOUS! :-) The man can cook! :-)

At some point that day I realized that this would be our last Valentines day just the two of us, so I was determine to enjoy every last second of it. :-) Next Valentines Day will be about the love we have for each other, but also the love for our daughter....and I can't wait to share that with her! :-)

Of course the hubs never fails to impress me with an amazing thoughtful gift that he knew I would love. This year he gave me some Photoshop goodies that I had been drooling over for a while. :-) I love them sooo much and they have completely reignited my fire for taking pics! :-) Here are some old pics from this past summer, but with some new tricks :-) Enjoy!

Until next time,
-Me :-)

Friday, February 12, 2010

God is good!

You can ask my husband....sometimes I just plain don't feel good. I am definitely one of the lucky ones: I didn't have horrible morning sickness, no horror stories of an experience, general pretty easy sailing so far. However, I do have days where I just plain don't feel good. I have been very very sleepy a lot of the time, I started to get lower back pain very early into the pregnancy and sometimes my hormones are sooo all over the place that I just don't know who I am.

When you go to these doctors appointments you are sometimes manhandeled. :-) You go in, you lay on a table and just wait. Once you wait what seems like forever, they lift your shirt up and push your pants down a little and squirt this gooey cold gel all over your stomach. Oh and this is after going to get tubes of blood drawn from your arm after every appointment. You would sometimes thing, man this sucks!

But as we sat our last appointment this past Tuesday I had such a different feeling. I went through all the same motions (except this doctor heats her gel for you :-)), laid down got the gel squirted on me and waited. She proceeded to start the ultrasound and there pops up our little girl. Squirming around just like daddy, but being stubborn just like mommy and not wanting to show the doctor what she wants to see. :-) She wanted to do it on her own terms. :-)

As I laid there on the bed and watched her on that screen, my eyes filled up with tears. Not because we were seeing her on the screen or because the doctor had just confirmed that she was in fact a girl. But because I felt soooo beyond blessed at that point. Sooooo many people go through sooo many hardships and bad times and bad news during pregnancy, some of them very close friends of ours, and to be able to sit there and hear from your doctor that the baby you are carrying is advancing like music to my ears. I felt so blessed to be able to watch our perfect little baby squirming around inside me. At that moment, nothing mattered....not the back pain, not the sleepiness, not the fact that i had to pee so badly I thought I would pee on that bed, not the nasty gel all over my stomach. All that mattered at the moment were the doctors words saying that everything looked perfect.

So make an effort today to thank God for giving us what we have. So many people don't get to say the things we say.

Thank you God for giving us a perfectly growing baby. :-)

Until next time,

P.S. HAPPY VALENTINES DAY! From the Murphy 3 :-)

All we see for miles and miles is......P.I.N.K.! :-)

Tuesday we had our "BIG" appointment with the doctor. Tuesday was the day that the doctor was going to confirm the gender of our little peanut. They had given us an 85% chance that it was a girl...but we didn't want to go on that because we have heard many stories where it can easily change. We were very anxious to get there and for them to confirm the gender.

The doctor has confirmed that Baby Murphy is a GIRL!!!

We are happy to just know what our little peanut is :-) Here is her big debut:

19 weeks:

Until next time,

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Little galloping horse...

Yesterday marked our 18th week of our pregnancy. We saw the doctor for another checkup and we got to hear the baby's heartbeat. It sounds just like a little galloping horse in there. :-) We are still feeling good. The "baby bump" is remotely there. David swears that he can totally see a little bump...I on the other hand...just think it looks like chub. :-) I'm excited to get out of this stage of "chubbiness" and into the blatantly obvious pregnant stage. :-) Other than that, things are still good on the home front over here. Next Tuesday we have another appointment and if the baby cooperates with mommy and daddy....we will be able to find out if she is definitely a girl or if we should start thinking of boy names. :-) No movement from the baby here either...although I am desperate to feel it...nothing yet. But I will let you know when there is anything!

We will keep you updated and let you guys know as soon as we know the definite gender of our little peanut! :-)

For now, since we all know a post is better with a picture, I'll leave you with a picture from our anniversary cruise and I'll also leave you with a part of our wedding video. Enjoy!

Until next time,