One of the cool things about getting married is that you instantly aquire a whole extra family! :-) And with that family comes some really cool and special new relationships. When David and I got married I aquired a mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother-in-law, another sister-in-law and very precious and adorable nephew and niece. :-) I love these kids to pieces! They each have such a unique personality, and they never fail to amaze me at the things they do.
My new nephew is Ethan. Some of you may know him already and some of you may not...either way, the next time he sees any of you, I can guarantee that the first words out of his cute little mouth will be: "Do you want to go play baseball with me???" :-) The little boy is sooo in love with baseball. He eats, sleeps, breathes, talks and dreams baseball. And he not only likes it, but he is GOOD at it! :-)
A couple of weekends ago I had the chance to go to one of his Little League games and I was able to catch some pictures of him. He plays for the Dodgers...which happens to be his favorite team. :-)
Ethan - I love you to pieces kid. Remember your Aunt Drea when you grow up to be a pro baseball player. :-)
Ethan Murphy. My nephew. The next Manny Ramirez.

1st Baseman

Big Murphy. Little Murphy. Coach and Player. Father and Son.
Until next time,
-Me :-)